How to Block Ads on your Smart TV (Samsung, LG, Roku and Sony)

Ads can be very annoying. Especially on Smart TVs like the Samsung, LG, Roku and Sony some ads can be overwhelming. It’s not a nice feeling when you just brought in a new TV and turned it ON for the first time. You would not expect to see Ads immediately.

Worry not. We are going to share a couple of ways to block ads on your Smart TV. With those controls, you will be able to completely block the ads on your TV, even the in-app ads. Sounds cool right?

Here are the 2 ways to block ads on your Samsung, LG, Sony and Roku Smart TVs:

  • Filtering specific Ad URLs to your Home Internet Router
  • Installing BlockADA app for Android (Works on Android TVs only)

Now we will discuss each method in detail and explain all the steps required to effectively block all the annoying ads:

METHOD-1: Blocking Ads with your Home Internet Router

This method requires you to access your Home Internet Router’s settings and configure the Website black-listing or Parental control settings to block some specific Ads URLs.

Step-1: Access your Router’s configuration page

The first step is to access the configuration of your Home router. For this step you will need the URL address of the Router and Login / Password information.

Block websites with Content filter

The most common Router configuration URLs for some popular brands are:

If you have a router that is not listed above, you can Google it like this “Router-brand login URL”.

When you open the page, you will be asked to login with the Administrative user and password. If you don’t remember your password you will need to contact your Internet Service Provider.

Step-2: Filter / Block specific Ad URLs

Now we will look into the procedure of blocking ads on each of the Brands Smart TVs:

For Samsung:

For Samsung you need to block the following URLs:

Some of these URLs are for older TV models so you can put all of these in the Web filter to make sure that you’re fully covered.

For LG:

To disable ads that appear on your LG TV’s “My Content” tab, you need to put these links into the web filter:

For Sony:

For Sony Smart TVs you need to follow a different procedure which is actually easier than the ones we’ve discussed. Follow these steps:

  1. Go into Settings
  2. Find “Android TV Core services”
  3. Roll back all Updates on it. It will give you a warning that you’re rolling back to the initial version. Just Skip it.
  4. Return to the Home Screen and click on the minus ‘-‘ sign on the far left corner of the row to remove the Sponsored channel.
  5. Go back to “Apps” in Settings and look for Android TV Core services. Now Force stop it and disable it.

For Roku:

For Roku TVs here’s an easy way to remove the Interactive pop-up ads that display during commercials on Live TV:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy > Smart TV experience
  2. Disable the “Use Info from TV inputs” option

You can also remove all other kinds of Ads on Roku Smart TVs by blocking the following URLs:

METHOD-2: Installing BLockAda App on Android TV

This option works for Android Smart TVs only. You can also block ads on your Android based smart phone and tablets with this app too. Blockada is completely Free to use.

This app support both Mobile and Wi-Fi networks. It will work for all the apps and not just the Web browser.

To use Blockada you will need to configure your Android devices to allow installing of apps outside of the Google Play Store.

Here’s a quick Tutorial on how to do it

After that, you simply download the Blockada app and install it on your Android TV.

Download Blockada

With these methods, you should be able to remove most of the annoying ads on your Smart TVs, if not all.

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About the Author: Umair

A self-learned Javascript developer specializing in Frontend and Backend frameworks including React.js, Redux, Node.js, Express, MongoDB. He has extensive industry experience as a Tech Support lead and System Administrator. Currently learning Web3, (Solidity, Hardhat, Ethers.js) Smart contracts development, testing and auditing.


    1. Go to Settings.
      Select Privacy.
      Click on Smart TV Experience.
      Un-check the Use info from TV inputs to disable pop-up ads.

  1. Your article is very interesting. Suffer the description for Sony SmartTVs (in Europe) does not work, the settings are not available in the current Android TV.

    So I tried to do it as described in Step-2 with blocking Ad URLs in my router, unfortunately I don’t have the specific Ad URLs to do this. I have contacted the Sony support, but did not get an answer. Let me ask you: Can you perhaps additionally publish the Sony Ad URLs in your post? This would be a great help for all owners of a Sony Android SmartTV.

  2. I have tried method2 on a 4-year old Sony TV. I have adjusted Sony settings to allow Apps outside the Google Play store. I have plugged a memory stick into the USB socket with the blokada-v4.9.0.apk file on it but nothing happens. How do I get it to install on the Sony TV?

  3. It looks to me like the links [for LG] are for adverts in the US [?]. Will these work in the uK, do you know? Thank you for sharing this information, Umair.

  4. Hi, is there a idee or some work around how to filter out all the pop-ups, advertisements etc. (like ublock eg) if you use the browser in the SmartTV (LG)? Some even force rapid to crash/reboot the entire browser.(Via DNS in the Router?) Thanks a lot! Christian

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